Sunday, 29 July 2012

Salena Gomez

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says

Friday, 27 July 2012

The Summer Olympics began Friday, 27 July 2012, and ends Sunday,12 August 2012.

London hosting for 3rd time olympics event in 2012 July. A 17 days sports event with the cost  27 million dollars. Amitabh Bachan has given honored to torch the light today. A r Rehman, Music maestro and Illayaraja are participating in opening ceremony. 

London organisers said Boyle was "tightening" the ceremony by up to 30 minutes to ensure the show, scheduled for three hours, concludes between midnight 

Deepika Kumari: India's golden girl takes a bow today. Wish her luck

Monday, 2 July 2012

SSC Tier 1 exam CGLE 8 july : regional websites

Staff   Selection Commission will conduct the  Tier 1 examination of Combined Graduate Level Recruitment on 1st and 8th July 2012. The commission is providing online admit cards to the candidates through its network of regional offices. Candidates can avail the facility of online duplicate admit cards from the regional websites of Staff Selection Commission.  We are providing the region and the direct download link for the Combined Graduate Level Examination Admit Card:
SSC Northern Region- (Download)
SSC Karnataka Kerala Region- (Download)
SSC Southern Region- (Forenoon) (Afternoon)
SSC North East Region- (Download)
SSC Western Region- (Download) 
SSC Madhya Pradesh Region- (Download)
SSC Central Region- (Download)
SSC North West Region- (Download)
SSC Eastern
Special Advice: Those candidates whose application is not rejected but still they have not received the admit card and the online admit card status is not available they should immediately contact the concerned Regional Office to know about  the status of their candidature. Keep in mind that you may not be allowed to appear in the exam with out valid admit card or hall ticket.